Job Bank

Revving Up Talent


GNYADA's Job Bank Employment Service is a recruitment and placement service that assists members by attracting talented and motivated individuals to the automotive industry.

The Job Bank maintains a list of candidates for dealership positions, along with their desired work locations. When a match is found, we forward each candidate’s details to the dealer.

We also maintain a list of open positions; if your dealership has a position to fill, contact Katie Morscher at 718.746.5900 for more information.

Dealers can list positions in the following categories:
  • Sales
  • Service
  • Parts
  • Office/Administration
  • Billing
  • F&I
  • Management
  • Website/Internet
  • Other

Job Application

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Job Bank Quick Facts

It's fast and easy—and dealers tell us it’s a great way to find employees who are ready to go to work in new car dealerships. Here are some things to know about the Job Bank:

  • Current dealership employees cannot be listed in the job bank.
  • GNYADA does not check employment references or information contained on a candidate’s resume.
  • Candidates and positions are removed as soon as we’re notified that the position has been filled.
  • Have a Job Bank success story? We’d like to feature it on our website. For further information, contact Katie Morscher at

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