OLRS Registration and Titling

Modernize your Registration & Titling Process

Since 2013, GNYADA has been working with Dealertrack to provide Dealers with an alternated On-Line Registration System (OLRS) that allows your title clerks to process vehicle registrations right in the dealership. Enroll in GNYADA’s OLRS service today to stop outdated registration & title work! 

Benefits of GNYADA’s OLRS Program:  

Extended Deadlines  

Dealers enrolled have 10 days (instead of the normal 5) to submit processed registration and title paperwork to DMV. 

Cost Savings

DMV waives all plate fees ($125/box) and (In-Transit Permit fees $312.50/package) 


OLRS reduces manual data entry inaccuracies through seamless integration with key DMS providers including Dealertrack DMS and CDK, allowing for batch imports. 


Transactions are done in real-time and issues permanent registrations on-the-spot. 


DMV Registration fees are exact calculations, eliminating the need to issue refund checks and possible violations. 


Dealertrack has a dedicated support team available, with access to live and on-demand OLRS trainings. 

Contact Us

For more information about OLRS and to schedule a demo, contact GNYADA’s VP of Membership Services, Jennifer Berman-Lepurage, at 718.746.5900 or jennifer@gnyada.com. 

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